Tag: three-dimensional

Experience in Application of a Three-Dimensional Pulsed Field Ablation System Integrating Mapping and Ablation

Announcing a new article publication for Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications journal. Pulsed field ablation (PFA), a promising technology for ablating arrhythmias, has significantly better efficiency and potentially greater safety than traditional ablation techniques using thermal injury. However, most clinical research on PFA for ablation to date has used basket- or flower-shaped catheters, thus requiring a large introducing sheath and catheter location under fluoroscopic guidance. The authors of this article describe initial experiences with using a three-dimensional PFA system integrating mapping and ablation, and an annular catheter.


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Yan Wang, Jie Qiu and Daowen Wang. Experience in Application of a Three-Dimensional Pulsed Field Ablation System Integrating Mapping and Ablation. CVIA. 2023. Vol. 7(1). DOI: 10.15212/CVIA.2023.0009
