Category: News Archive

Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications (CVIA) joins ScienceOpen

We are delighted to announce that Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications (CVIA) is now included in Science Open. ScienceOpen is a freely accessible search and science opendiscovery platform that puts open access research in context. Data available on research articles are analysed, and used to link articles via authors, citations, keywords, journals and more. Users can further add to the context of an article with comments, recommendations or post-publication peer reviews:

  • Smart filters, topical collections and input from the academic community help you to find the most relevant articles in your field and beyond.
  • Registered members can set up a personal profile based on their ORCID and can use the service to network with other scientists.
  • Article metrics such as citations, Altmetric™ scores, usage numbers, shares etc are provided for each paper.
  • Creation of topical collections to gather relevant research is possible regardless of journal or publisher.
  • Supports commenting, recommending or public post-publication peer review to share expertise on any article on the platform.


Featured collections of CVIA articles on ScienceOpen are now available here.



Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications (CVIA) is the official publication of the Great Wall Congress of Cardiology, published by Compuscript on behalf of the World Journals (Beijing) Medical Technology Co., Ltd.Compuscript_logo

Compuscript provides the journal with production and publishing support. based on its 25 year history working with STM journals and books. With headquarters in Ireland, Compuscript has been supplying publishing services to the likes of Elsevier, Walter De Gruyter and the Irish Government for over 25 years. Compuscript was contracted in 2015 by the World Journals (Beijing) Medical Technology Co., Ltd. to help develop the journal by bringing international best practice in production and STM publishing to the journal. Compuscript is a member of The Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers ( and CrossRef ( among others.


CVIA has signed an agreement with Thomson Reuters

ScholarOne logoCardiovascular Innovations and Applications (CVIA) has signed an agreement with Thomson Reuters to adopt their ScholarOne peer review manuscript tracking system. This system will allow authors to submit manuscripts and track their progress through the peer-review process.

This system has a long, successful track record with major journals and publishers globally.

Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications (CVIA) and Thomson Reuters are currently working on the setup process and hope to open the system for submissions shortly.


First Editorial Board Meeting

First Editorial board meeting in San Diego

The first Editorial Board Meeting was held in San Diego on March 14, 2015 at the time of the American College of Cardiology Annual Scientific Meeting and the journal will be formally launched at GW-ICC in October 2015 as the official journal of GW-ICC.

