Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications now indexed by SCOPUS

We are happy to announce this very good news to all authors, editors, reviewers and readers.scopus

Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications will be indexed by SCOPUS from February 26th, 2024. The bibliographic database managed by Elsevier covers high-ranking peer-reviewed journals in the technical, medical and social sciences.

On this occasion, congratulations to Professor Jamie B. Conti and Professor Jianzeng Dong, Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications editorial team and all contributors, reviewers, readers and editorial assistants for making it happen.

This news means that even more researchers and scientists will get access to high-quality research papers published in Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications.

CVIA is available on the ScienceOpen platform and at Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications. Submissions may be made using ScholarOne Manuscripts. There are no author submission or article processing fees. Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications is indexed in the EMBASE, EBSCO, ESCI, OCLC, Primo Central (Ex Libris), Sherpa Romeo, NISC (National Information Services Corporation), DOAJ, Index Copernicus, Research4Life and Ulrich’s web Databases. Follow CVIA on Twitter @CVIA_Journal; or Facebook.


Updated: December 13, 2024 — 12:07 pm